Personal Umbrella Liability is one of the most commonly overlooked policies, but in the case of a catastrophic financial event, it could be the best line of defense you’ll ever have. If you’re involved a major auto accident or if someone gets injured on your property, you could be sued for damages well beyond the liability coverage provided by your Home and Auto Insurance policies. In such a critical situation, having Personal Umbrella Insurance from Machor Sage Insurance Agency will protect your home, car, future wages, and all of your priceless assets from being used to pay for the expenses.
Your Umbrella Liability policy from Machor Sage Insurance Agency works to give you additional protection when damages exceed the liability coverage of your standard policies. It also offers extra security for many situations that may not be included in your basic insurance. Personal Umbrella insurance can be applied to events such as:
At Machor Sage Insurance Agency, we are committed to the safety and security of you and your family, which is why we will work with you to create a perfect policy that protects all of your interests. Since Personal Umbrella Insurance will vary depending on your individual coverage needs, it’s important to discuss your options with one of our insurance specialists before making a decision.